
Moon Knight (2022)

  In 2022, Marvel Studios promises to please fans of film comics and series fans with several new projects at once. One of them will be the series "Moon Knight", which tells about the adventures, respectively, of the superhero Moon Knight (in the world - Mark Spector) - a former US Army Marine, and later a mercenary suffering from dissociative identity disorder. The origin of such a hero, which some compare to Batman, is definitely able to add the darkness of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which many fans dream about, and perhaps pave the way for the emergence of the Sons of Midnight team as an alternative to the Avengers. The project is also interesting for a very talented cast - the main role is assigned to the Golden Globe Award winner Oscar Isaac, who was noted in 2021 in such projects as Dune and Scenes from a Married Life, and the role of the main antagonist (still unnamed, but as likely candidates are called the hero's nemesis Raoul Bushman or even Mephisto) will b

Love and death" (2022)

From" (2022)

Cabinet of rarities "(2022)

Викинги: Вальгалла" (2022)

Одни из нас" (2022)

Хало" (2022)